Casa Adelante - 1296 Shotwell

The first 100% affordable housing project in the Mission
in over a decade,
and the first
senior development
in the Mission
since 2009.

First project received by the Mayor's Office of
Development as a land dedication (in 2013),
thanks to the Vida Condos on Mission Street (i.e. Alamo Draft House).
First project to use the Senior Operating Subsidy (SOS), created by Supervisor Yee, to subsidize 40 Households at 15% and 25% SF Area Median Income (AMI). The Q foundation also provided subsidies to another 13 households at SFAMIs lower than 50% AMI.

First project in the City
to use the
Density Bonus program,
which resulted in
three additional floors
and over 33 more units.

Seismic Innovation
1296 Shotwell is the first property in the United States to incorporate a resilient seismic design, ensuring that after a major earthquake, residents will be able to remain comfortably in place with no temporary displacement to complete safety inspections. David Mar and a special team at Mar Structural Design created this innovative solution.
“Our goal was to design a building that is substantially more resilient than a conventional structure, while having similar construction costs. We achieved high-performance by tuning the concrete walls to rock and re-align. During a major earthquake, the tilting walls activate flexure and yielding within the foundation and floor slabs. Special lead-extrusion dampers embedded in the foundation improve performance. The building’s own weight helps it re-center during the rocking response. This effort required a special team. Professor Geoffrey Rodgers of the University of Canterbury, designed, oversaw manufacture and tested the lead-extrusion dampers. Professor Greg Deierlein of Stanford University performed the expert peer review. These efforts by Geoff and Greg were performed pro bono, to support resilient design for folks who may need it the most.” explains Structural Engineer David Mar.
The project is the first affordable housing to have received the US Resiliency Council Gold Award for this innovative design. Visit the MEDA website to learn more about 1296 Shotwell's seismic resilience, and USRC ratings.